Sunday, October 26, 2008

numbers one and two

here are the first two prints i did this semester: the first (the little wingaling dude) is a mono-print dry-point, and the second (the weird tree guy) is an etching. i'm almost done with the aquatint i'm working on; just a couple things to fix and then it will be ready!

p.s.- sorry my photos haven't been the best quality, my camera has been very sensitive to the slightest movement and everything comes out a little blurry.

Friday, October 24, 2008

a little stability

Today was busy, but a very satisfying sort of day. Turned in a project proposal for my Buddhism and Ecology class. Also went to see Art Spiegelman do a reading on campus! He is quite the character. It wasn't so much a reading as him talking about his new book, Breakdowns, which I believe contains comics from all different times in his career, along with comics that are biographical. It was really interesting to hear about the background of his work.

also, here is some random, newish figure drawing from earlier this semester!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

test prints

currently i am working on a bigger print for a critique on monday that involves resin and shellac. while waiting for the shellac to dry i decided to try out a tiny plate i engraved today.
on the left: first attempt at engraving, done this afternoon. on the right: a dry-point print made at the beginning of the semester. 
each plate is nearly two inches tall.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

a shot in the dark

i started a course in printmaking this semester, something i've been trying to get into for a little while now.  originally the purpose of this blog was to document my progress in class for folks at home, but it will most likely evolve into a mish-mash of all kinds of things. we'll see what happens. here goes!